Jumping Ship

For the past year we have been praying about a big decision in the life of our family. We have finally come to a decision, although at times I feel a little like I should hit the pause button to give myself a little more time to think. But, despite my terror at jumping into something so scary, we have decided that I will quit my job so that we can pull our children out of school to educate them at home.

This decision hasn't come lightly. The past year has been full of questions:

  • Can we make it financially without my income?
  • What can we do to make up the lost income if I quit my job?
  • How will the girls take it?
  • Is this really the best decision for them?
  • Are we going to screw their lives up?
  • Am I going to wind up in a mental institution if I try to educate them myself?

The answers haven't been all that encouraging. I don't know if we can make it financially. I'm not sure that the plan we came up with will work out without a miracle. We haven't had the courage to tell the girls yet. I'm pretty sure it is the best decision for our children and I'm fairly hopeful that we won't screw up their lives, but there are no guarantees. We are hoping for the best on all fronts.

We have been almost certain about our decision since Christmas. In the months that have followed, my husband and I have been in pretty serious research and planning mode. I've been researching different homeschool models and curriculums. Together we have been researching and planning out a business model to start our own business in addition to vocational ministry.

Here's to a new adventure! Wish us luck!


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